Tag Archives: meditation

Meditation and The Brain

Paul's brain on meditationThe brain reacts to and absorbs the stimuli it is presented. When for a period of time, we turn-off the input, reduce the stimuli and go into a meditative state, we give the brain a rest. The brain is always on whether we are actively engaged or mindlessly watching a movie.

Quieting the mind through meditation is like consciously taking your thoughts on a luxury transportation ride in a stretch limo, relaxing by turning off brain activity but without losing touch with reality. It puts the meditator in a state of stillness where incitement from outside is met without attachment of thought. In the East, the birthplace of meditation, the end game is to reach a state of bliss referred to as Samadhi.

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Right brain individuals are attributed with intuitive thinking and more emotional reasoning which guides most of their decisions throughout the day. While those folks considered predominantly left brain are more sequential thinkers, time-oriented, calculating types. Of course most people are a little of both, but we all have a predisposition to one side or the other.

Our brains like to learn and in a very specific way. As we discover more about right and left brain activities, we’ve come to understand the benefits of merging the best of both worlds. Neurosculpting works by integrating the two sides of the brain. It’s like hiring the best towing service St Louis MO can provide to pull more intellectual weight by balancing the two sides which results in clearer thinking and less stress.

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